Anthropology is the holistic science of man. It traces the evolution of man right from the time he was born. Anthropology always endeavors to cover all the facets of human existence, including socio-cultural, biological, linguistic and historical aspects, without being confined to space and time. Anthropologists seek answers to a wide variety of questions related to man. They are interested in discovering when, where ad why humans appeared on earth?; how and why they have changed since then?; and how and why modern humans are not one and same in their physical features..

    Anthropologists also study how and why societies in the past and in the present have varied customs and practices? Anthropologists specialized in Applied Anthropology apply Anthropological methods and information to seek solutions to practical problems of humans. Clyde Kluckon a great anthropologist, considered Anthropology as ‘Mirror of Man’. The main aim of this discipline is to understand human nature, both at level of an individual and at cultural and global level. Anthropology in recent years is attracting more and more students because of the varied career opportunities it offers.

To cite a few, the students opting for Anthropology have job prospects in Anthropological Survey of India, Museums,(at Centre, state and district levels), Indian Council of Medical Research(ICMR), ICSSR, Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya, Tribal Research Institute, Forestry Sector Development Projects, Directorate of Women and Child Development, IIFM, Institute of Languages, Institute of Archives, Department of Urban Planning, Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Ministry of Minority Affairs, NIN, NGOs, Population Research Center, National/Regional Medical Research Centers, UNESCO and UNICEF projects, UPSC, etc. as Scientists, Project Officers, Research fellows, Curators and Technical Development Officers along with teaching opportunities available at Central and State universities all over the country..

     The subject of Anthropology is taught for both, the Arts and Science Courses. The Department of Anthropology was set up as a branch of Sociology at Karnatak Arts College in 1960. It became a separate department in 1971. Anthropology was taught as major and minor subject for Arts course from 1960. In 1975, Anthropology was introduced as Minor subject in Karnatak Science College..

Dr. V.Jagadeesh
HOD,Anthropology and BSW ,Professor
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